CineTV Contest: The Marvels (my favorite Samuel L Jackson's Movie)


I managed to get into this contest after seeing the contest announcement post. It captivated me when I saw the unexpected. I was feeling happy, as I had watched this great actor's countless movies. There was this common one I did watch titled Captain America. His tactics for making that film caught my eye.



Samuel L Jackson has been known to act in places that seem not his nature. That's how I saw it to be. The only thing I found him good at is when he acted just like an agent or a spy. I just watched one of his movies titled ” The Kill Room”. It was so interesting, but I don't like where he was featured. He was part of them. The kill room was released not too long ago (2023).

The movie that got me lost in my thoughts is The Marvels. He has acted so well. He has the nature of commanding so well.

Samuel L Jackson has acted in numerous movies where he acted as a spy and detective(these are where he most likely fits), and in some of his movies, he has acted as a killer and assassin (where he does not fit).

The Marvels is one out of all the movies I have watched that captivated my innermost self. Captain Marvels aimed to save while Fury (Samuel L Jackson), played a vital role when he kept his promise to save Kamala's family. He acted so well and this is where I felt he was best good at.


What got me in double thought was the way the single cat reproduced to countless cats. Also how the cats were able to swallow everyone in space and bring them safely to Earth. This was amazing and was something I could not explain properly.

The scene I could boast of I'm ” The Marvels”, that caught my imagination is where Kamala only imagined and her imagination turned out to be reality. She was just like an agent and was the Ms Marvel in the movie.






Sometimes, we play a vital role in saving people, but the one we chose to save would turn out to be a tiger. At the end of the movie, these three, Captain Marvels, Ms. Marvels, and Monica had planned to save Dar-Benn, but her wicked act and her only aim remained unchanged. She never wanted to be saved, but wanted the bracelet at all costs. Her selfish attitude put her where she never thought she would be.

It was only painful that Monica had to sacrifice her life.
You just need to watch the way these three, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvels (Kamala), and Monica were so serious in the movie. They were united together and were not ready to lose one.

I just wished there was a second place in the space where people could dwell. Although, it's just a fictional movie.

I would encourage you all to watch this movie ” The Marvels” as you would find it interesting just like the way I did. Every part of it seems real, but not.

You can participate here 👉 CineTv Contest 92

All images are screenshots from the official trailer on YouTube.

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Oh, I very much enjoyed watching this movie and you gave an amazing review of it.

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