Review of Wonder (2017)

Wonder, there are many things to discover when you wonder. (1).png

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I am a movie nerd and I must say I have watched a lot of movies. But among many, I have the ones I adore the movie. I will be doing this often. But for me, I mostly start from the best I loved to the ones I like. This is why I will be reviewing a movie that is so great that everyone should have a taste of it. Movies are life experiences sometimes. I love the ones that deal with life. It teaches me how to deal with people. That’s why I am reviewing this movie today.
A boy whose birth was extraordinary. The midwives were tensed and didn’t even know what to do. You know what? It was the first day of work for one of the midwives. This scene was amazingly funny. This movie is titled Wonder. A great wonder I must say. The boy was named August Pullman.

August Pullman

So August Pullman was born with a natural disorder. It took them many surgeries to be able to give him a better face. His face wasn’t ordinary so making him fit in the world was a problem. He grew up in the house with his sister. His sister had a life before she was born. Due to his condition, the attention of the house pulled away from his sister to him. This brought about the saying, in their house, everyone revolves around the “son”. August Pullman was 10 years old.


Auggie with Isabel

Isabel, August’s mom wasn’t a teacher but because of Auggie’s situation, he had to home-school him. August had a nickname Auggie. It was until Auggie was to go to 5th grade they decided to take him to a real school. Auggie’s sister wasn’t just in the picture and no one cared about how she lived and others. But she had her life too. It was only her grandmother who cared and had eyes for her.
Auggie made it to school, learned more about life, made friends, and found a way to feel normal even with his facial looks. There is more to the story. Get it and let me know how lovely it was for you after watching it.


This movie reminded me of myself how I used to feel when I get out. I had a feeling I wasn’t appealing in looks. That with time decreased and another one was with my smile. I thought I was built differently. I found it hard to laugh or either to smile among my colleagues. One day I discovered that my smile is the one thing that makes me unique. So my liking this movie should tell you how I saw myself walking the walk of life in Auggie’s shoes. It is a great one and should be watched.

Wonder, there are many things to discover when you wonder.


This film, to me, talks a lot about ostracism we have in the world days; where people judge people based on their looks and appearance, social status, and material possessions.

It is quite an emotional film and it got me sympathizing with the poor boy and his awful life.


I had tears when I first watched it, especially the place he was to get the award.