Unstoppable! || Disabilities shouldn’t define your abilities.


I don't know why I have become so addicted to watching movies based on true-life stories. If they are not based on a true-life story, then they are some kind of motivational movie with a lot of morals in it. But nothing gets me so focused and has all of my attention like movies based on true-life experiences.

The vibes I get are that if this person could do this and become successful, then nothing would surely stop me, too. Most times, not everyone eventually succeeds and becomes triumphant. But it's just those who are desperate for it.

That's just another reason life is not a straight path. If everyone could win, then there would be no need for competition, and if everyone had the same abilities, then there would be no way to seek each other's help. We all have our unique strengths. The issue is knowing where the strengths lie and working on them.

I watched a short clip on X. It was about the percentage of men, it's said that some men wake at 18, while some wake at 30, and some never wake. It says as a man no one is coming to help, and you are alone.

But in solitude lies that great gift. And if no one is coming to help, then you are the hero of yourself, you are the one to write your story. And that's life. The man you are today is surely the man you decided to be.


The movie focused on the life of Anthony, who was born with a leg.
Of his disabilities, he had to struggle to finish high school despite the uneasiness. He was on a mission to define his true self and found out his interest in wrestling.

How can one leg wrestle with those on both feet? He received a lot of discouragement from his colleagues and his coaches too. Some got to believe in him while some didn’t. But that never stopped him from his true self.

He was admitted on a scholarship to Drexel Academy where he can train for free. But he decided not to take the offer. This was because he wanted to stay close to his family. Yeah. His mum had a stepdad who had a rope on their neck.

His family was not giving him the peace he wanted, but he really wanted his mum by his side always and drew motivation from her as always. She never left his side and believed so much in him.

Declining Drexel scholarship, he had to continue with the training at IOWA with other teammates and with stressful training despite his disabilities. He believed in himself and worked himself so much more than an able person would.

Anthony participated in several competitions which gave him his chance to be among the 150-pound wrestlers. He participated and won! Anthony became a champion as no one believed in his abilities because of his disabilities that never defined him.

A farmer had a son and a horse, one day the horse ran off and the farmer's son was disturbed that they wouldn't be farming for days. The farmer said. Good luck, Back luck.
A few days later the horse returned with many other horses, and the farmer's son was so happy. He rode one of the new horses, fell off, and broke his leg. The farmer said Good luck Bad luck.
The son was concerned that he wouldn't be able to work for his father anymore because of his leg. Good luck bad luck. His father replied.
A few weeks later the government came around and recruited the sons of all other farmers but exempted the farmer's son because of his broken leg. Good luck, bad luck, the farmer said again.

Everything surely happens for a reason. The story happened to be one of my favorite scenes from the movie.

In conclusion, If I were to rate this movie on a scale of 10, then I would give it an 8/10. The plot twist and the suspense are worth it. The actors gave their best in it and I would love to recommend it to those who fantasize about motivational and biographical movies.

Header image sourced from IMGb

Other images are screenshots from my device.


I hadn't heard about it but love watching these types of life-based stories. Thanks for sharing.